What I did Recently-Dante-April 14, 2020

About everyday, our parents go outside to water a few plants that we have harvested not too long ago. So far we have grown 11 vegetables. We’re also growing mint, which I think is a little strange. My mom says it’s a “makeshift house perfume” and “magical cooking supply.” We also made “cola pots” which is a replacement for our normal pots, since we ran out of them.

Our sprouting onion

Guess what these plants are!

Vitus, my little brother, also “ordered” two cars: One made of Hexbug pieces, and another made of Lego. The Hexbug car was a little harder to build because it takes a lot of force to push in and take apart the pieces. The benefit was it is more rigid than the Lego one. The Lego car took a lot more parts, and the pieces were more easy to build, as easy as inserting a power plug. But it turned out to break every time I hit the walls too hard, so I put it on a “garage” to keep it safe.

The last thing I need to tell you is that everyday, we go outside to the church for riding bikes. We made a ramp for our bikes, so we feel like birds. It’s exciting when you go on the ramp. You should try it! The church also has a number of different places to explore, so I never get too bored. No matter how many times we go to the same place, it’s entertaining.



Week 8 task-Dante-What is good and what improvement the challenge class needs

I thought about this week’s blogging challenge and I think our challenge class is  good and I  liked how you have choices to do what you want on a certain week’s task. I also like how the challenge class can suggest a number of apps for certain change to words and other things related to the blogging challenges. I actually don’t think this challenge class even needs any improvements.

Week 6 task-Dante: Test your MEQ (Math Emoji Quotient)

Hi, people! If you meet this blog, play it! This blog is supposed to be fun and interesting! If you think this is fun, I might be able to make you another one! Look at the bottom of each challenge for clues.

KEY:  a=1  b=2  c=3  d=4  e=5  f=6  g=7  h=8  i=9  j=10  k=11  l=12  m=13  n=14  o=15  p=16  q=17  r=18  s=19  t=20  u=21  v=22  w=23  x=24  y=25  z=26


Q1: Calculate the secret word:🔺💓🆒🚌🔴

🔺=🐻+🐻      🐻+🐻=12

💓=🐻÷(🖼+🐯)      🐯=🐻-🖼       🖼=(🐻x3-🐻x🐯+🖼)x🐯





Q2: Calculate the secret word: ✖️➗➖➕






Q3: Calculate the secret word:🌱🎍🎋🎋🎄🍄🌰🌰🐝










Q4: Calculate the secret word: 🥶🤯🤯👹🎃🥶🎃🏦🥶🏞💎👹










Q.5: Calculate the secret word:🧿🛡🌐📣🟦🟦 🧿🇺🇳🇪🇺🧢















Answers below:


ǝlqᴉssodɯᴉ :ϛ      ǝlqᴉʇsᴉsǝɹɹᴉ :ㄣ     uǝǝʍollɐH :Ɛ     ǝʇnɔ :ᄅ     ɥƃnɐl :Ɩ :sɹǝʍsu∀

I hope you enjoyed my blog, and be sure to comment!🙃






My Week 5 Task: Test you MQ (Music Quotient)-By Dante

Hello! Welcome to this post. This post is created to test your MQ(Music Quotient). There are only five questions to test your MQ. Answers are at the bottom of this blog. Here is your test below:

1. How many strings does a Violin have?   a)4      b)5     c)6      d)7

2. Is a flute long, short or is both possible?   a)long      b)short      c)can be both

3. I have many keys, black and white. I am the heaviest instrument in the world. I am normally made out of wood. I can be electric, or normal. I am usually black. What am I?

a)Violin      b)Brass drum      c)Piano     d)Shakers


Probably Shouldn’t by J.Lang (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Mr_Yesterday

Which instrument can be heard most in the music video above?
a)Piano      b)Shakers      c)Flute      d)Drums


5. What is the most popular instrument?
a)Flute      b)Violin      c)Trumpet      d)Piano
Here are the solutions:1. four  2. both  3.Piano  4. Drums  5. Piano
Hope you enjoyed my blog!😁

SBC-Week 3 task-Dante

The photo above shows a LEGO creation I built. Do you see the little blue line and the tiny grey dot with a hole in the middle under the wing of the plane?(the ones that I circled) Those are the bullets used to load the “shooters”on the LEGO plane I built. The two arrows point to where the two bullets are supposed to be inserted. The arrow near the back of the ship points to a hatch that opens. The plane also has a little propeller on the front. On the next images I will introduce the “shooters”.

The photo above I’m showing to you shows one of the “shooters” for the long, skinny blue bullet shown in the first image.(image.1)when you press down on the bullet, a spring lets the bullet go “flying” for a few seconds and then the bullet lands on the ground.


The picture image.3  is another “shooter” . This “shooter” is for the grey bullet with a hole in the middle. When you turn the grey hexagon-shaped”shell”with the bullet inserted in one of the tiny cells on the “shell”, the bullet goes flying out because of the tiny grey line poking out of the center of the “shooter”. (I “squared” it)When the bullet hits the line, it prevents the bullet from going farther to the left/right.(depends on which way you are turning) So the bullet is forced to go forward and catapult out of its tiny cell. And the bullet goes “flying” through the air.


Image.4  shows two tiny gears in the tiny hatch I gave you a lecture about. “What are the tiny gears for?” you might ask. Well, friends, these cute gears or for “powering” our little “booster” on the back of the plane, as shown. When the plane moves forward with the black wheels touching the ground, the black wheels make the first gear rotate,(the bash one)making the second one (the grey one)do the same. The second one is attached with an axle that is attached to our “booster”. Since the second one will rotate if the black wheels touch the ground, it will make our “booster” rotate. And there!My friends, you have now been given a lecture about what these cute, little gears are for.


Image.5 shows a finger(mine) pointing at a little red circle. The red circle is a bullet and is now in its “shooter”. When you press the grey cross on the shooter, the bullet is pushed out with a powerful force. The bullet had a record for flying a distance of 20 meters!



Thank you for reading my blog and be sure to comment! 😁😁😁